Rising energy costs devastate vulnerable families, friends, and neighbors.

Homeowners living on fixed incomes are victims of growing energy costs.

Situations worsen as the cost of food, medication, and other essentials rise.

Worried Senior Couple Sitting On Sofa Looking At Bills Under A Blanket

45% of homeowners spend between 30 and 50% of their income on the mortgage alone, the rest has to stretch between other living essentials.

The Crutch Foundation

we build more living into life

The Crutch Foundation is a 501(c)(3), non-profit organization, committed to enriching lives through affordable, energy-efficient housing, that meets the standards of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Our Focus:
Currently, we are focusing on enhancing rural communities across the United States by renovating and providing energy-efficient, affordable homes and accommodating diverse health and financial needs.

We plan to extend these efforts to suburban and urban areas as more resources become available.

Our Goal:
At The Crutch Foundation, we strive to create stable, enduring homes for rural Americans, ensuring everyone has a place to call home regardless of health or financial status.

Our core mission is to make homes more accessible and energy-efficient, helping homeowners maintain their independence.

Our Promise:
We will work to equip our neighbors, loved ones, and all Americans with the essential information and resources needed to live independently and productively.

We help people and families keep their homes, build wealth for future generations, and save energy nationwide.

Join Us:
Your help is so important. Whether you seek help or wish to offer it, your involvement is key to transforming lives and communities.

Together, we will ensure every American can live independently in a suitable home.

Get Involved:
Let us know how you can help us move forward and continue this mission, or how we can help you!

Reducing energy costs empowers people.

Energy conservation can be the difference between heating, cooling and eating.

Being safe and comfortable should not cost your home.

Affordable home improvements are life changing for vulnerable homeowners, and quietly blessing us all

Cold and hot weather is rough on everyone, but elderly and disabled persons are more sensitive to extremes.

As food costs and other necessary items rise, this problem worsens.

Panic and worry compel many to turn off heating or cooling, sometimes leading to hypothermia or heat stroke.

Reducing these costs for our vulnerable helps everyone by minimizing burdens on our healthcare systems.

Like many of us, our older generations are proud, independent people. Rather than depending on friends and family for support, most of our parents and grandparents suffer in silence.

These days, too many people can’t afford to warm or cool for a full cold or hot month, forcing many to go without warming until help or monthly payments arrive.

Moving mountains … If this is your situation, all may seem horrible, but don’t lose hope.

At the Crutch Foundation, we know it’s tough to make necessary home improvements when you’re barely making ends meet.

We also know these improvements may be the difference between living independently in your own home, surrounded by familiar faces, fond memories, and actually losing your home.

At the crutch, we believe essential home improvements can be more than dreams, and our goal is to help those dreams come true.

Learn more about our Sustainable Home Initiative 

sustainable home initiative

Winter is always coming!

safety and comfort shouldn’t cost, your family home

If you need help making your home more energy-efficient, affordable, and accessible, we are dedicated to helping people like you and your families live more securely in your home.

So please, provide your email to start a conversation that may be life-changing.

It doesn’t cost anything to reach out and we will never share your information without your direct consent.

If you feel your situation is urgent skip this form and click here 
Help that goes far beyond...

A little help goes a long way

By improving homes for older adults, handicapped and struggling individuals and families, you can enhance their ability to live independently while indirectly improving your own life.

Along with seniors and disabled people, young middle-class households often, unexpectedly find themselves in difficult circumstances.

When the cost of running a home equals or surpasses the mortgage, families face extreme pressure.

The emotional and physical stress may become too much for families to handle during this struggle.

Having to explain to your loved ones that they have lost their home is beyond imagination.

Often, they are forced to split up and find temporary housing with different friends, relatives, or shelters until they can be reunited.

With this separation comes an emotional shock that shatters family bonds, leaving scars that endure for lifetimes.

The destruction of generational wealth dilutes American ownership, which hurts every American. 

As important as increasing your income is reducing your costs. Making homes safer and more affordable can help prevent loss.

By helping homeowners save energy and resources, it makes paying for mortgages and other essentials easier, thereby placing them in more stable positions.

When we help others, we help ourselves

There are many great reasons to help.

donate today

For some of us it’s just the pride, and satisfaction of knowing You made a difference.

Most people go through life without leaving a mark.

We keep our heads down, hoping to move safely from birth to a painless death.

When you take part in an organization like the Crutch Foundation, through giving and/or volunteering, your mark is an improvement in someone’s life, community, country, and environment.

It’s a mark that also improves your life and that of your loved ones.

It may be a veteran or first responder suffering the aftermath of his or her service to us.

An older individual, recalling our history and wisdom through the stories they share with loved ones.

Someone who is grappling with the weight of a physical challenge or disability. These are individuals who cannot experience the blessing of a fully functioning body.

While many of us take basic tasks for granted, some struggle just to navigate their homes.

Sometimes it’s just families…

It may be a family who is falling on challenging times that collectively, we can uplift with education, time, and talent, or maybe it’s you.

Most of us strive for the optimal outcome for ourselves and our families.

By helping others, we develop relationships and resources that improve our own lives.

Together, we will help build and support resilient families and thriving neighborhoods.

This is a goal that benefits all of us because strong, healthy families are the bedrock of thriving communities and successful countries.

It’s a commitment to our collective better tomorrow, through supporting individuals and families, so that we may all live long, independent, happy lives.

At the end of the day, none of us want a crutch, but “sometimes we all need somebody to lean on”.

We hope you will join us, as we help each other navigate life’s challenges, through tight times and rough roads, towards improved security and independence for us all.

Do you feel your situation is becoming urgent?

  • Did you or someone you care for lose the ability to navigate in your/their home because of an accident or illness?
  • Were you hurt in the service of our country or as a first responder?
  • Are you in need of important energy or structural improvements that you cannot afford now?
  • Please click the link below and share your situation with us, so we may explore ways to help you as soon as possible.